Sunday, October 04, 2009


Tyler has shown quite an artistic streak lately. Must be from his father as he sure as heck doesn't get it from me! *lol*  He frequently goes pottering around the garden, grabbing leaves, flowers and twigs and then gets busy with paper, paint, sellotape and glue to make his creations. This is what he has made for his cousin Stephen's 16th birthday:

I remember him grabbing the leaf that makes the smile, saying "That will be the mouth" so now I can see what he saw when he looked at the leaf. Our table is littered with paintings and drawings and he's showing no signs of slowing down.

He's had a week of school holidays, spending time variously with Chris, Anton and Stephen (the latter two earning child-minding $ for their efforts). This week he is with Granna, then Chris, then Chris and me and finally just me.

He is going through a self-assertive phase, his most frequent saying seems to be "You're not the boss!" with arms folded defiantly. He has also decided he doesn't like brushing his teeth and that in fact he "hates teeth".

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